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dc.contributor.authorMerazka, Rania-
dc.contributor.authorLaroui, Kenza-
dc.contributor.authorLaib, Mohamed Islem-
dc.contributor.authorDr. Bouchareb, Mohammed Kheir-Eddine-
dc.description.abstractIn our experiments we conducted the study of the residence time distribution in order to understand the hydrodynamics of a solar reactor type CPC by applying the advanced oxidation processes for the treatment of organic pollutants; BB41 in continuous system by sodium hypochlorite NaClO without and with exposure to sunlight. Sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) exhibited superior photocatalytic degradation efficiency for BB41 dye under solar irradiation. The UV/NaClO process proved to be highly effective for BB41 dye degradation in a solar reactor. The experimental design method was applied to solar reactor results, which saves our time and analyzes results and studies the effect of chlorine concentration, BB41 concentration, chlorine flow rate and other factors in several conditions. From the previous studies, the optimum values for achieving a 81.55% of conversion rate: are: 40 l/h for the chlorine flow rate, 6 mm for chlorine concentration, 300l/h for the dye flow rate, a PH of 8.1 and a temperature of 25°C.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité Constantine 3 Salah Boubnider Faculté génie des procédésen_US
dc.subjectWastewater treatment; dyes; Photoreactors; Advanced oxidation process; step injection Residence time distribution.en_US
dc.titleResidence time distribution in a solar reactor on pilot scaleen_US
dc.title.alternativeApplication to the treatment of organic Polluttants in a Continuous System by UV/CHLORINEen_US
Appears in Collections:Génie des procédés / هندسة الطرائق

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